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Install Cacao Accounting from the Python Package Index.

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You can install Cacao Accounting in a dedicated server as a Python Package hosted in the Python Package Index .


If you want to run aditional software in your server it is recomended to install Cacao Accounting using the OCI image to isolate each service from others.

You can install Cacao Accounting in any Linux OS that supports:

  • A compatible database server: PostgreSQL or MySQL.
  • A web server like nginx
  • A supported version of Python (>=3.8)


It is recommend to choose a long tern support version of your base OS like Ubuntu LTS (.deb based OS) or a RedHat Linux clone like Rocky Linux (.rpm based OS).


It is recommended to install Cacao Accounting in the /opt directory of your Linux system, this is the directory recommend by the Linux FHS so you main Cacao Accounting installation directoty will be /opt/cacao-accounting and the cacaoctl tool will be available in /opt/cacao-accounting/venv/bin/cacaoctl, this path will be used latter in this guide.

Create a Python Virtual Enviroment:

cd /pot
mkdir cacao-accounting
cd cacao-accounting
python3 -m venv venv 
sudo source venv/bin/activate

Install Cacao Accounting in the Virtual Enviroment:

Install Cacao Accounting with:

# Ensure your virtual env is active!
python -m pip install cacao-accounting

Verify Cacao Accouting is installed with:

You can check Cacao Accounting is installed with:

cacaoctl version

Once Cacao Accounting is installed and the cacaoctl tool is available in /opt/cacao-accounting/venv/bin/cacaoctl you can continue to setup your database server, you can choose PostgreSQL or MySQL.