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Install Cacao Accounting from Sources.

Cacao Accounting source code is hosted in Github, you can install Cacao Accounting from sources following the next steps:


In order to successfully install Cacao Accounting from sources you need this tools available in your system: Python , git and npm .


It is recommended to install Cacao Accounting in the /opt directory of your Linux system, this is the directory recommend by the Linux FHS so you main Cacao Accounting installation directoty will be /opt/cacao-accounting and the cacaoctl tool will be available in /opt/cacao-accounting/venv/bin/cacaoctl, this path will be used latter in this guide.

Clone the git repository:

Get the sources from Github with:

cd /opt
git clone
cd cacao-accounting

Create a Python Virtual Enviroment:

python3 -m venv venv 
source venv/bin/activate

Install node modules:

cd cacao_accounting/static
npm install
# Back to main directory with
cd ..
cd ..

Install Cacao Accounting in the Virtual Enviroment:

Install Cacao Accounting with:

# Ensure your virtual env is active!
python -m pip install .

Verify Cacao Accouting is installed with:

You can check Cacao Accounting is installed with:

cacaoctl version

Once Cacao Accounting is installed and the cacaoctl tool is available in /opt/cacao-accounting/venv/bin/cacaoctl you can continue to setup your database service, you can choose PostgreSQL and MySQL.